👋 Hi, I’m ReaJason

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in topography from Central South University of Forestry and Technology in 2021.

I first delved into programming in 2020 and initially chose to learn Python and developed a keen interest in web scraping. During my university years, I successfully created projects involving WBTopicCheckTool and 17wanxiaoCheckin. Currently, I am actively working on xhs.

In 2021, I ventured into Java programming, utilizing Spring Boot and Vue to build a self-hosted blog. Presently, I am engaged in work related to Runtime application self-protection(RASP) and network security at boundaryx.

I’m interested in exploring how to productively use the Rust programming language in operating systems. Ultimately, I aspire to develop an open-source project implementing RASP at the JVM level using Rust.

I have a keen interest in computers. That is why I chose to work in the computer industry, and in the days to come, I hope I can become a computer master through continuous learning. Develop tools that we ourselves are eager to utilize. My career goal is to build software products that people want and find valuable.

The purpose of this blog site is to record and share my own learning and thinking. BTW, Brian Lovin designed this blog style.